2018 BSidesRDU CTF

Winner! Winner! Welcome Thrillhouse Group took first place at the 2018 BSidesRDU CTF by that was put on by Eversec CTF . BSidesRDU Final Score Board. Team Ntropy was in the lead for most of the day and put up a really good fight, but WTG was able to pull ahead in the last few hours and hold first place till the end. Our prize for taking first place was a copy of Clear and Present Danger by Tom Clancy: Clear and Present Danger. However this is no ordinary edition! This copy contains what appears to be a silk-screened or possibly etched BSidesRDU 2018 flask. BSidesRDU Flask. The team didn't really have time to put together any write-ups for this event. We were just too busy trying to overtake Ntropy the whole day. However, I did make some mental notes on the challenge involving the libssh vulnerability CVE-2018-10933, and still have some spool files from using metasploit so I'll talk about that briefly. [1] nmap indicated libss...