DEF CON 29 - Cloud Village CTF
The Cloud Village CTF at DEF CON 29 was challenging and educational. Strupo_ flew solo and the event ended with Welcome Thrillhouse Group in 16th place. There were four groups of challenges with 11 challenges in total. Strupo_ solved three challenges during the event, one after the event, and made some semblance of progress on a few of the others. For the few challenges solved; the write-ups are enough for a complete walk-through. Concerning the rest, some limited notes were outlined but not expanded upon so that this post stays relatively short. Let's get into it. Like Duh! Level 0 - Play this first (100) "Hello everyone, The flag format for all the challenges is of the following format. The string FLAG-{ followed by 32 characters that look like Base64, closed with a } The flag format is this exact string format The flag is case sensitive Submitting anything else/any other format shows that you have not read or understood this message :( For example, the