2019 BSidesRDU - "Noobs Table" Experience and Challenge Write-Up
Welcome Thrillhouse Group attended BSidesRDU this year and instead of competing in the CTF, we contributed a stego challenge and also helped out at the "noobs table." The idea of a noobs table has been kicked around for a little while now but this was the first time it was formally done at an EverSec CTF . Basically, there was a table in the CTF room reserved for people that are new to CTFs, and a couple of us were there to help with two sets of challenges created just for them. One was posted to the EverSec CTF challenges under the "newbs" category while teamWTG's contribution was a set of, effectively, offline challenges against an IoT device with extremely limited resources. @uncue created the "newbs" challenges which included everything from service enumeration to lateral movement. Welcome Thrillhouse Group brought the "offline" set of challenges which included service enumeration, finding default credentials, password reuse attacks...