2019 Stonecutters - The Bus that Couldn't Slow Down

This year has been...something else. Our CTF participation has almost completely evaporated with the exception of joining Neutrino_Cannon for the 2020 RTV CTF at Defcon 28. That was an experience we won't soon forget. We also won 6 months of HTB Pro Labs access. Now, if only we had more time to do it!

Also, the Stonecutters CTF creator left to start a company or something and so our annual private CTF as we have known and loved is no more. A replacement was established, however, we don't think that we have permission to write anything up yet. 

It has been hard to juggle work/home life during the pandemic and find time to dedicate towards CTFs and off-the-clock professional development that's worth blogging about. We certainly don't want this blog to die anytime soon so we went through our drafts and found a few posts that we should clean up and publish pretty soon. So, without further ado, here is one of them!

I forget what the name of the challenge was exactly but I think it was called the bus that couldn't slow down. 

The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down

Let's get into it.

This challenge was an animated gif that flashed QR codes in a loop.

The first goal was to break up the gif into individual frames so that we could scan each QR code. A quick google search later and we found how to do it with convert. The following command created a total of 83 png files:

# convert -coalesce qr.gif out.png

Then, we needed a CLI tool that would read each QR code and append the text to a file.
For that task, we found and used zbarimg.

To install: # apt-get install zbar-tools

Then, we tested it by reading the out-82.png file which looked like this:

# zbarimg out-82.png
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.07 seconds

The help information for zbarimg informed us that we could clean up the output by using the --raw and -q options to remove the "QR-Code:" prefix as well as the timing information. 

To produce a file that contained all of the strings, we used the following for-loop:

# for i in {0..82}; do zbarimg --raw -q out-$i.png >> qr.txt;done

Then, we removed all of the new lines from the output file to make it one long line with the following command: 

# sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' qr.txt

The output looked like base64 encoded data, and though we could have easily piped it to base64 -d -w0, we expected a more CTFy challenge with multiple encoding types so we pasted the base64 blob into Cyberchef and decoded it. The output looked like this:

IHDR... ... .....ó.;Å....IDATx.í.KvâH.EI3À3.

The magic bytes indicated that this was a PNG file with no other encoding/encryption done to it, so we used Cyberchef's save output feature to obtain the final image:

83 QR Codes Read, Stitched, and Decoded.

To wrap this one up, we simply used zbarimg again to capture the flag:

# zbarimg quick.png
QR-Code:flag{Look into my QR codes. You are getting sleepy. Sleepy. Sleeeeeeeeepy.}
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.08 seconds

Though this was an easier challenge, it is important to note that QR codes coupled with command line tools can impact offensive security tests in a meaningful way. For example using them to circumvent DLP solutions, bridge air-gapped systems, or to add a twist to a social-engineering campaign. A CTF challenge like this can get the creative juices flowing! 

Thanks for reading!

Find us on Twitter: @teamWTG

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